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I found this on the net today…my mates think i use the net a bit too much…but i beleive that connecting with technology for my genertation and others to!
Have a listen…..and dream of a future when this becomes easier

[podtech content=]

While im writing this im doing that thing everyone allways talks about in relation to Wifi….Working outside of the usual work or home environment.

Im sitting in a little cafe/bar in Falmouth while writting this blog and its great fun. I had some work to do today and i really didnt fancy going home to do i descided to find some free wifi. Luckleyt where i come from there are about 3 bars with free wifi and both out college campuses have free wifi to…its bloody greats..

A BBC article today is talking about users of wifi, the report suggests that people who use WiFi on a regualr basis engage with the Internet more…checking emails and news…and to be honest its great.

Im a bit of an internet fiend i have to say… allways online and am allways checking emails…and to be honest WIFI is amazing.

I think more buiness and coffee shops should provide it for free…more people will come along to that business if they know its there!

Neway WIFI…bloody amazing when using the internet outside of home!

The Original Steve FLICKR